Tag Archives: zelda

Automap Without The Map

I’ve been asked if there was a version of the Automap Plus patch without the automap. In other words, just the partial heart pieces in the HUD and faster life refilling with potions and fairies. Easy enough: just chop all of the map-related stuffs from the code, and voila. Download the IPS patch with source […]

Zelda Hacking: Editing Caves

Warp Caves In The Legend of Zelda, there are four “warp caves” that connect to each other, allowing the player to quickly traverse the overworld. If you try to move these warp caves with Zelda Tech, you’ll discover that either the player will still be warped to one of the original warp cave locations, or, […]

Zelda Tech 3.4

Since the Zelda Tech section of the website is defunct and disused, and this part of the site is a lot easier to update, I’ll go ahead and put this here. A minor update of Zelda Tech with two fewer bugs. :/ Zelda Tech 3.4 For completeness, I’ll link to the other downloads here as […]