Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Romulus.ActionQueue-g< TQ, TAction >.ActionAn action that can be done or undone with an ActionQueue
Romulus.ActionQueue-g< TQ, TAction >.ActionArgsEvent agrs for an action
Romulus.ActionQueueProvides a nongeneric base class for the ActionQueue class
Romulus.ActionQueue-g< TQ, TAction >Manages a list of actions that can be done and undone
Romulus.ActionQueue-g< TQ, TAction >.ActionStackRepresents a list of available actions to do or undo
Romulus.Nes.BlitterSpecialized drawing class used to render NES screen images
Romulus.CellIndexDefines a location within a grid
Romulus.Nes.CompositePaletteRepresents a 16-color composite of four 4-color palettes. This acts as a complete background or sprite palette
Romulus.Nes.EmptyScreenViewUsed to represent empty screens, for example, outside the bounds of a room
Romulus.EventArgs-g< T >Defines an event args class with a generic parameter
Romulus.Nes.ExtendedTileEntry< T >Represents the tile index, attribute data, and extra data for a single background tile
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttributeNeeded to enable extension methods for the DotNet framework 2.0
iLab.InterpolatedBoxA PictureBox control extended to allow different interpolation options
iLab.InterpolatedPanelA PictureBox control extended to allow a variety of interpolations
System.Linq.LinqStubShuts the compiler up
Romulus.MD5HashRepresents an MD5 hash value
Romulus.Nes.SmallNameTable.NameTableDataContains references to name table data
Romulus.Nes.SmallExtendedNameTable< T >.NameTableDataContains references to name table data
Romulus.Nes.NameTableRendererRenders a name table to a bitmap. This class can be inherited to customize the renderer for a custom ScreenView
Romulus.NotReadyExceptionThrown when an attempt is made to perform an operation on an object that is not properly or fully initialized or prepared for the operation
Romulus.Nes.OnPaintEventArgsEvent args used for the ScreenView painting events
Romulus.Nes.PatternTableProvides functions to load ROM graphic data into a System.Drawing.Bitmap
Romulus.PatternTableControlUI component to present a pattern table, and optionally allow the user to select a pattern
Romulus.Nes.PatternTableRendererCreates a 128 x 128 pixel, 32-bit bitmap containing a pattern table with a specified palette, suitable to present in UI
Romulus.Nes.pCpuRepresents a 16-bit CPU pointer
Romulus.Nes.pHRomRepresents an offset within a headered rom
Romulus.Nes.PointerTableReferences a pointer table in a ROM image
Romulus.Nes.pUhRomRepresents on offset within an unheadered ROM
Romulus.Properties.ResourcesA strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc
Romulus.ReturnEventArgs-g< T >EventArgs class that allows event handlers to specify a return value
Romulus.Nes.RomRepresents a headered ROM. Contains the ROM image and provides utility methods for dealing with the ROM
Romulus.Nes.ScreenViewRepresents a screen within a ScreenViewport
Romulus.Nes.ScreenViewManagerManages the automatic creation and destruction of screen editors for a ScreenViewport
Romulus.Nes.ScreenViewportWindows Forms control that allows a user to scroll around large game areas
Romulus.Nes.SinglePaletteRepresents a 4-color palette. Can be ROM-backed (wraps and modifies ROM data) or independent
Romulus.Nes.SmallExtendedNameTable< T >Represents a small name table with extra data of an arbitrary type for each individual tile
Romulus.Nes.SmallNameTableRepresents a combined nametable and attribute large enough to hold a (256, 256) background
Romulus.Nes.SpriteDefDefines a set of tile sprites to be combined into a larger composite sprite
Romulus.Nes.SpriteTileDefines an on-screen sprite
Romulus.Nes.TileEntryRepresents the tile index and attribute data for a single background tile
Romulus.TransparentStack-g< T >Provides a stack with transparent access to all items in the stack, indexed by depth
iLab.VirtualCollection-g< T >
Romulus.Nes.WisePtrRepresents a pointer bound to a specific 16k bank of RAM addresses and a specific 16k bank of ROM, for easy conversion between Ptr16 values and ROM offsets. READ REMARKS
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