Romulus.ActionQueue-g< TQ, TAction >.Action | An action that can be done or undone with an ActionQueue |
Romulus.ActionQueue-g< TQ, TAction >.ActionArgs | Event agrs for an action |
Romulus.ActionQueue | Provides a nongeneric base class for the ActionQueue class |
Romulus.ActionQueue-g< TQ, TAction > | Manages a list of actions that can be done and undone |
Romulus.ActionQueue-g< TQ, TAction >.ActionStack | Represents a list of available actions to do or undo |
Romulus.Nes.BlitOperationScope | |
Romulus.Nes.Blitter | Specialized drawing class used to render NES screen images |
Romulus.CellIndex | Defines a location within a grid |
Romulus.Nes.CompositePalette | Represents a 16-color composite of four 4-color palettes. This acts as a complete background or sprite palette |
Romulus.Nes.EmptyScreenView | Used to represent empty screens, for example, outside the bounds of a room |
Romulus.EventArgs-g< T > | Defines an event args class with a generic parameter |
Romulus.Nes.ExtendedTileEntry< T > | Represents the tile index, attribute data, and extra data for a single background tile |
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute | Needed to enable extension methods for the DotNet framework 2.0 |
ICollection | |
IEnumerable | |
iLab.InterpolatedBox | A PictureBox control extended to allow different interpolation options |
iLab.InterpolatedPanel | A PictureBox control extended to allow a variety of interpolations |
System.Linq.LinqStub | Shuts the compiler up |
Romulus.MD5Hash | Represents an MD5 hash value |
Romulus.Nes.SmallNameTable.NameTableData | Contains references to name table data |
Romulus.Nes.SmallExtendedNameTable< T >.NameTableData | Contains references to name table data |
Romulus.Nes.NameTableRenderer | Renders a name table to a bitmap. This class can be inherited to customize the renderer for a custom ScreenView |
Romulus.NotReadyException | Thrown when an attempt is made to perform an operation on an object that is not properly or fully initialized or prepared for the operation |
Romulus.Nes.OnPaintEventArgs | Event args used for the ScreenView painting events |
Romulus.Nes.PatternTable | Provides functions to load ROM graphic data into a System.Drawing.Bitmap |
Romulus.PatternTableControl | UI component to present a pattern table, and optionally allow the user to select a pattern |
Romulus.Nes.PatternTableRenderer | Creates a 128 x 128 pixel, 32-bit bitmap containing a pattern table with a specified palette, suitable to present in UI |
Romulus.Nes.pCpu | Represents a 16-bit CPU pointer |
Romulus.Nes.pHRom | Represents an offset within a headered rom |
Romulus.Nes.PointerTable | References a pointer table in a ROM image |
Romulus.Nes.pUhRom | Represents on offset within an unheadered ROM |
Romulus.Properties.Resources | A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc |
Romulus.ReturnEventArgs-g< T > | EventArgs class that allows event handlers to specify a return value |
Romulus.Nes.Rom | Represents a headered ROM. Contains the ROM image and provides utility methods for dealing with the ROM |
Romulus.Nes.ScreenView | Represents a screen within a ScreenViewport |
Romulus.Nes.ScreenViewManager | Manages the automatic creation and destruction of screen editors for a ScreenViewport |
Romulus.Nes.ScreenViewport | Windows Forms control that allows a user to scroll around large game areas |
Romulus.Nes.SinglePalette | Represents a 4-color palette. Can be ROM-backed (wraps and modifies ROM data) or independent |
Romulus.Nes.SmallExtendedNameTable< T > | Represents a small name table with extra data of an arbitrary type for each individual tile |
Romulus.Nes.SmallNameTable | Represents a combined nametable and attribute large enough to hold a (256, 256) background |
Romulus.Nes.SpriteDef | Defines a set of tile sprites to be combined into a larger composite sprite |
Romulus.Nes.SpriteTile | Defines an on-screen sprite |
Romulus.Nes.TileEntry | Represents the tile index and attribute data for a single background tile |
Romulus.TransparentStack-g< T > | Provides a stack with transparent access to all items in the stack, indexed by depth |
iLab.VirtualCollection-g< T > | |
Romulus.Nes.WisePtr | Represents a pointer bound to a specific 16k bank of RAM addresses and a specific 16k bank of ROM, for easy conversion between Ptr16 values and ROM offsets. READ REMARKS |