Experience the
challenge of an endless adventure. Now there are
more ways than ever to confuse Link. Re-craft the landscape. Summon and banish
monsters at your will. Move the levels around. Change where he starts and what
will be found in the caves. Change what people say, what they sell, and how much
they charge. But you will need Zelda Tech to do all this and more.
March 15, 2012
This section of the website is broken and useless. If you could do me a
kindness and forget that it exists, I would greatly appreciate it.
Things are much nicer over
Novermber 7, 2011
This page has been broken since InMotion, my hosting provider, was
hacked a couple of months back. This one page I did not have a backup
of, so I grabbed a cached copy from Google, which lacks the server-side
scripting, hence this part of the site does not work. So, here are some
links to the good stuff.
Complete Packge
- Includes Zelda Tech, Dungeon Master, and a complete hack made using
these tools in IPS form.
Zelda Tech 3.3 - The overworld editor
Dungeon Master 0.1 - The dungeon
Dungeon Master Released
April 8, 2009
A minor update of Zelda Tech is being released today. Packaged with it, however,
is an all new dungeon editor, "Dungeon Master." Look at it!

Get it at the download page.